Java Agent Development Framework

Stable release 4.1 / July 13, 2011; 7 months ago (2011-07-13)
Development status Active
Written in Java
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Multi-agent system framework
License GNU Lesser General Public License

Java Agent DEvelopment Framework, or JADE, is a software framework for multi-agent systems, in Java that has been in development since at least 2001.[1] The JADE platform allows the coordination of multiple FIPA-compliant agents and the use of the standard FIPA-ACL communication language in both SL and XML.



Jade creates multiple containers for agents, each of which can be on the same computing system or different systems. Together, a set of containers forms a platform.

Each platform must have a Main Container which holds two specialized agents called the AMS agent and the DF agent.[2]


Jade has been extended by Wade (Workflows and Agents Development Environment). Wade implements a workflow system for representing and developing agent processes with a visual editor called WOLF.

Eclipse Support

In addition to its other features, Wade also provides a plug-in for integrating Wade (and, by inclusion, Jade) into the Eclipse IDE. Another plug-in that integrates Jade into Eclipse is eJade.


See also

External links